Fanum Celebrates 5 Years Helping Entrepreneurs

• 2 min read

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When Fanum opened in 2015, it was an early pioneer in the shared workspace market in south metro Denver by providing an innovative working community for serial entrepreneurs and business owners.

“The last five years have been exciting for us. Startups and small business are not for the faint of heart. Helping member companies thrive and outgrow our space, as well as pivot and reinvent when things don’t work out has been an incredible experience,” said Kelley Bergmann, Fanum Community Concierge.

Fanum’s leadership team has enjoyed seeing numerous entrepreneurs get their initial start and others reach new levels of business success by leveraging the expertise of fellow members and taking advantage of AMG’s insights and services offered under one roof.

Bergmann points to the caliber and diversity of expertise of Fanum members as one of Fanum’s unique strengths and differences among coworking spaces. The Fanum team curates members to create a diverse community of driven business and entrepreneurial leaders, which generates opportunities for relationships to develop between member companies.

It has been exciting to watch Fanum’s culture of collaboration take root with member companies helping each other to develop innovative solutions for complex business problems. Current members echo this saying that the “collection of members is unique and a tremendous source of knowledge and energy.”

Fanum was a natural choice for AMG National Trust to include in its headquarters building in Greenwood Village, Colorado, as many of the executives, business owners, and high net worth individuals AMG serves as a wealth manager have entrepreneurial roots.

While today’s business climate is very different from when Fanum opened, we remain confident in the strength and resilience of Denver’s entrepreneurial community. Coworking is likely to look different in the near future post Covid-19, but the value of in-person collaboration and random, serendipitous synergy is unlikely to be replaced by virtual technology anytime soon. If history is any indication, small entrepreneurial businesses will be an important growth engine for the economy’s road back to prosperity, and Fanum is already playing its part.

If you are interested in learning more about Fanum or know someone who might be, please Contact Us or call 303-323-8564.

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