AMG Applauds YMCA of South Hampton Roads for Free Meals Partnership

• 2 min read

Foodbank worker carrying items and wearing a surgical mask

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Foodbank worker carrying items and wearing a surgical mask

The COVID-19 pandemic and ensuing economic shutdown have impacted nearly every industry, requiring businesses to tap into their entrepreneurial spirit and devise solutions to continue to serve their customers and remain in business. For some in the nonprofit sector, this has meant combining forces with other like-minded organizations in an effort to streamline costs while continuing to provide or expand services during a time of unprecedented need.


As a supporter of the Taylor Bend YMCA, AMG salutes one such collaboration that occurred between the YMCA of South Hampton Roads and Foodbank of Southeastern Virginia and the Eastern Shore.

The outbreak of COVID-19 and subsequent social distancing directives presented a new set of challenges, requiring Foodbank staff to modify existing programs and services because it could no longer rely on a robust network of over 6,000 volunteers to pack, sort and distribute food. It also meant that some distribution centers would be temporarily closed, leaving thousands of households uncertain about where they could get access to food.

In addition, the directives also forced local YMCA’s to close, which offered a unique opportunity for the YMCA to step in and help the Foodbank. Recognizing the possibility of leveraging existing resources, the Foodbank proposed a partnership to the YMCA to align their mission and efforts.

On March 19th, the Foodbank and YMCA launched a short-term partnership. Four distribution and five donation sites were established at several YMCA facilities throughout South Hampton Roads, which are now co-operated by Foodbank and YMCA staff. These sites provide individuals and families with drive-thru, grab-and-go food distribution that incorporates social distancing to protect the health and well-being of staff and individuals receiving and donating food.

By combining forces and resources, both organizations are working toward meeting new and emerging needs of the community, while at the same time, lessening the impact of the pandemic on individuals and families.

At AMG we believe in fostering collaborative relationships where knowledge, understanding, innovations and partnerships are ignited. We applaud efforts like these to help support those most in need during this time.

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